Monday, 11 August 2014

Heavy Light-years

These past light-years
Were actually heavy
Years of granite-studded

Those seconds full of
shrill laughter and mirth
that you think I owned
were only borrowed

Those hours I spent
shedding shards onto
the merciless tiles
were hours
I spiral into


Now I own those seconds.
Now I step on the tiles instead of crawling across them.
Now the light years will indeed pass as years of light
and not full of a darkness I enslaved myself with.

I know you are still crawling
You are still borrowing smiles and collapsing into your bed
as Insomnia embraces your powerless body
and makes love to your darkest thoughts
I know that the fields of darkness are claiming you
and that your feet are blistered
Here is all my light, take it
If I can beam at you and guide you home
Use me.
Use me as long as you reach for the stars.

But if your eyes are shaded and your mind is numb
I cannot help you, even with the strongest will
I can give you the flowers but you have to water them.

And if you think that by dragging me down
You can reach the light
Think again.

From Tumblr.

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